Bloodletting therapy began with the ancient physicians' very subjective understanding of human body: bloodletting is a way to purifying and purging human body in either spiritual or physical way, which depends on the theory taken. Although it is really hard to imagine, ancient people actually took this therapy as a serious medical technique. For example, Greek physician Galen built a series of theories to standardize the process of conducting bloodletting, which is pretty ridiculous to modern people.
the picture of Galen |
The mainstream power that pushing people to know more about the world is rational thinking and scientific research. Take a look at Galen's early theory of bloodletting, it mentioned that "blood was created and then used up, it did not circulate(Bloodletting, Wikipedia, )". Though the conclusion was not exactly right, Galen developed his own theory after his new discovery: it's blood instead of oxygen in arteries, just like researchers today. Truth is developed as well as built with joint effort made by generations of devoted people, what we can do now is create and find new things on the given basis of present knowledge.